This mix is designed to give a good ground cover and display from May to August. It is made up of the varieties found naturally on the meadows at Goren Farm. It is designed to sown into existing grass or a newly prepared seedbed. Some species can be slow to germinate and flower, so patience is vital. 3 years is a good duration for species sown by seed to develop in a meadow and a further three years to see a noticeable spread. In Bare soil in spring, we recommend sowing a mix with corn field annuals in our premium mix.
Importantly, this mix contains a good proportion of yellow rattle seed, which will assist the flowers in getting established in early summer by reducing the vigour of the grasses. However, the yellow rattle needs to overwinter germinate.
Contains 36+species of flowers: 5% Yellow Rattle, Knapweed, Cat's-ear, Rough Hawkbit, Ribwort Plantain, Wild Red &White Clover, Meadow Bulbous Buttercup, Red Sorrel, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Common Spotted Orchid, Field Forget-me-not. Grass and Meadow VetchlingCommon & Bush vetch, Lady's bedstraw, Black Medic, Selfheal, Pignut, Betony,Cowslip,Wild Carrot, Meadow Cranesbill,Yarrow. Goats beard, Tormentil, Ox-eye Daisy, Smooth hawk weed, corn poppy. +Micro seeding, 1%: Perforated leaf St John's wort, Devil's Bit Scabious, Ragged Robin, Musk Mallow Snakeshead Fritillary. Campion, speedwell germander, small quantities added to the mix to promote biodiversity through natural reseeding over time. Species in italics have been reduced due to shortage. 03/21 *contains a small amount of grasses harvested from our meadows<1%.
6 speciesof Corn Field Annuals :corn, poppy, flower, marigold, cockle, camomile: These species are best suited for sowing into a seed bed with no grass as they provided a cover or nurse crop for the perennial flowers in the first season. it is important to sow the mix too thickly as they will have the opposite effect if over sown. As the grasses get established these species of corn field annuals will peter out.
12 species of grass: Smooth stalked meadow25%, Sweet vernal3%, Quaking, 1% Crested Dogstail 6%, Meadow foxtail, 3%, Common Bent 8%. Smaller catstail, 4% Fescues: chewing25% and sheep, 25%.: a selection of grasses chosen for their slow-growing habit, visual interest and robustness against heavy rain and wind. Best sown at the same time as a seed mix although can be added into grass at any time. New meadows sown into existing grass may benefit from additional grass species as more courser grass will often reduce over time through continued cutting and reduction in soil fertility.
Sowing Rate:
This is the Maximum Sowing rate and can be reduced ten times if need be as the seeds will spread. However, some species will spread rapidly, such as Yellow Rattle, while things like betony cowslip and orchids will take 5 years to spread prolifically. 5-10g/m2 or 16kg/acre. 40kg/ha
NB. Rates can be varied to account for local conditions. Bare seedbeds and well-dried soils may benefit from higher seed rates.
Recommended additional species, vipers bugloss, Sainfoin can be ordered separately, corky fruited water dropwort is suggested for sites within its geographic distribution, east Devon, Somerset, Hampshire Wiltshire and Somerset or if it occurs locally.
General growth height 30-60cm.
NB. rates can be varied to account for local conditions, bare seedbed and well dry soils may benefit from higher seed rates.